If we all looked up and wondered about the stars, we would realize that we are all in this together. And so, we are truly part of the One. That is true spirituality, which will never be found in any church, school, or institution. - Native
In the headlines:
Current Climate Change Not Part of Natural Cycle: New Evidence Unlike Any Seen During Previous Warming Episodes Found in Arctic
Labels: earthquake, indonesia, tsunami, ufo
"Comet C/2002 V1 (NEAT) is a non-periodic comet that appeared in November, 2002. The comet appeared with a magnitude of approximately –0.5, making it currently the 7th brightest comet seen in 70 years.[1] It was seen by SOHO in February 2003. It was calculated that the comet came closer to the sun than the Asteroid belt in September 2002. (Slight controversy arose when the comet failed to break up when it approached the sun, as expected by some scientists if it were a small comet.)
The comet was hit by a Coronal mass ejection during its pass near the sun; some rumoured it had "disturbed" the sun, but mainstream scientists dismissed this notion. After the comet left LASCO's field of view around February 23, an object was seen at the bottom of the images. Although technicians dismissed this as a glitch, rumours persisted that the comet had been expelled from the sun." - Wikipedia
By the way, not ONE picture of Comet NEAT on Wikipedia.
More liars:
Alleged NASA Cover-up of Menacing 'NEAT' Comet Threat is Pure Bunk, Experts Say
The same FUCKING liar:
Amazing Live Images: Sungrazing Comet Possibly Hit by Solar Eruption
This is what REALLY happened:
NASA's solar observatory has released a number of pictures of this comet, but those stopped just as a huge coronal mass ejection (an event which is to the hydrogen bomb as the hydrogen bomb is to a firecracker) erupted from the sun toward the comet. Some call these things "sunspots." source: http://www.rense.com/general35/COMET.HTM
And this is what was said a few days prior to Comet NEAT's entrance:
"... Rand Corporation (government think tank) scientist, Dr. Geoffrey Summer, publicly stated that secrecy would be the best option if it were discovered that an asteroid were about to hit the earth: "Overreaction not just by the public but by policy-makers scurrying around before the thing actually hits because we can't do anything about it anyway ... to a large extent you are better off not adding to your social costs."